Dec 28, 2010

Wishes for the Holiday Season

NOTE: As with everything lately, I´m late posting this. Anyone recognize who this is an homage to?

If I had just one wish for this holiday season, I would wish all the collectors of the world would get together at one card show to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" for harmony and peace.

If I had two wishes for this holiday season, I would wish for $100, 000 per week deposited in an anonymous bank account dedicated to the proposition that all collectibles should be collected and I should be the one to collect them. And of course, I would wish all the collectors of the world would get together at one card show to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" for harmony and peace.

If I had three wishes for this holiday season, I would wish for a 31 day trip into the Topps vault, helped along by employees that I properly bribed into my idea. I´m sure my family would enjoy my disappearance for awhile as I emerge with wild eyes and babbling ideas about conspiracies in the hobby and then I drive them all into the same condition as they get the same paranoia about every other aspect of their lives. I would also wish for the money dedicated to that noble proposition mentioned before and most importantly, I would wish all the collectors of the world would get together at one card show to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" for harmony and peace.

Wait a minute! Who are we kidding? How are we going to get all of the collectors of the world together? The logistics of the things will be impossible. There are only so many basements to check and so many people who would openly talk about such things. All right, so let´s reorder. First, the wait, first the vault thing, then the money, and then the.....

Of course, I forgot about revenge against hobby scam artists! Ok, so that´s first...then, the vault and the paranoia, then the money, and then we will continue to strive to bring together all the collectors of the world at one card show to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" for harmony and peace.

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Jim said...

Happy holidays, you wild and crazy guy you.